Toukon Martial Arts

Whats happening in Summer…

Whats happening during the Summer?… At the time of writing gradings are coming up this weekend but we have our next grading dates which will be September the 17th and 18th. Invites will be sent out shortly and for this time only we are trying an early bird discount offer so that you can get booked on […]

Half Term Update ??

We are opening the morning BoxFit class to parents and children to train together this week at no extra cost  If you usually attend Sundays family class, Thursdays/Fridays (closed for bank holiday) or just want a bit of extra training with your kids come along on Monday & Wednesday at 9:30am.   Inbo if you […]

April Events

What’s happening in april… Kata Workshop APRIL 9TH The first of our new look Kata workshops will be held on Saturday the 9th of April….Need to learn a new Kata for your next grading?Want to learn a new Kata to get one step ahead?Or do you simply love Kata!Then these session’s are for you…Session 1 […]

NEW classes!

Check out our NEW Friday night classes…. 4pm – “Little Samurais” (4-6yrs)  Multiple martial arts programme including techniques from Karate, Kickboxing & Judo  Our brand new pathfinder programme is designed to provide a way for parents and children to gain an understanding of multiple styles of martial arts. Once this programme is completed the graduates […]

Children In Need

children in need Friday November 19th ALL MONEY GOES TO CHILDREN IN NEED! 4pm- Extra fun class for our samurais (4-7yrs) Can be in fancy dress or Pudsey outfit £3 to attend – Pay on the day Click this link to book (booking is required)… 5-7pm- Bag-A-Thon (7yrs+ & Adults classes) £3 per bag per […]

November Newsletter ?

 Please see attached our November Newsletter for what events we have in the upcoming weeks!  Children in Need Junior Instructor/Leadership programme Gradings Xmas Parties and more!… […]

Weekend Online Classes

Who is going to join me online this weekend for, (dare i say it), our final zoom session’s  am- 4-7 year olds am- Everyone else  Saturday Karate Sunday Kickboxing  We will be covering grading syllabus combinations with some fitness & fun thrown in  Not only that…. how about a 121 zoom call to cover anything […]

⚠️ Important Update ⚠️

Hi all, Unfortunately both myself and Antonia are needing to isolate for the next 10 days.I have been very careful and hardly mixed throughout this pandemic but this really was something that could not be helped.Please be assured that no one at the club needs to isolate as a result of this. ONLINE classes- We are hoping […]

Holiday Club Booking!

Holiday club booking in now available! Invites have been emailed to those eligible (6yrs+). Please contact us if you have not received your invite! […]