For those that enjoy creative writing, use this template to help you create your own Martial Arts Story. Think about characters, plot and setting. Who is your character, is it you? Where will they go?What will happen? This is a 3 week project so take your time, enjoy and get thinking… […]
Martial Arts Comic Book
Create your own Martial Arts comic book using your favourite Superheroes, Villains and Martial Artists! Don’t forget to email us with your finished design. […]
Exercise Board Game
Todays task – Exercise Board Game ? ?Roll the dice – move the number of spaces shown on the dice. ?Follow the directions on the space ?10 Jumping jacks on a picture space Enjoy ? […]
Boxing Gloves Design
This weeks activity – Design your own boxing gloves ? Send us your design… PRIZE for the best gloves! ?? […]
Scavenger Hunt
This weekends task! Find as man items as you can and message us with how many many you found. […]
Weekly Workout
Dice Fit ?? ?Roll the Dice to decide which exercise to do. ?Roll again for how many exercises (and times by 5). ? Play this 10 times and add up your score and let us know what you got! […]
Healthy Eating
In aid of National ‘Every Kid Healthy’ week a Nutrition quiz has been designed and we will be uploading daily activities based on Healthy Eating as well as the usual Martial Arts activities Each extra activity is worth 1 BONUS point! Use the template below to create your own healthy plate. […]
Spell your Name Workout
Morning all, Todays task is a fun little workout tailored just for you! Follow the letters in both your first & second name and complete the exercises and amount assigned to that letter. See how fast you can complete it and let us know how you got on? This task is worth 2 points towards our […]
Exercise Diary
Hi everyone,Please see below a template that you can use to keep a diary for training and activities completed while our Dojo is closed. Feel free to include any other training that you do or even martial arts based activities such as watch a movie or discover a martial artist that inspires you.Likewise, if you […]
Side Kick
Today’s drill looks at developing muscles and stability for the side kick and applies to both Karate & Kickboxing. Please warm up first and try to maintain good form throughout. Any deviation from good alignment between head, hips and foot position can put strain in the lower back. Build up from floor to using wall […]