In response to today’s update statement from the government, we have assessed our services and procedures to ensure continued compliance.
Our considered interpretation of the guidance has allowed us to conclude the following:
As our club does NOT currently offer team sports, we are able to continue to offer our full range of indoor services and classes.
To ensure compliance, we will continue training on individual bag stations only for all age groups.
We are not currently required to restrict class sizes for adults and will continue to offer class sizes based on space available.
Our existing risk assessments and policies continue to be sufficient.
To assist us in ensuring that we remain compliant, limiting the risk of the transfer of any virus and the possibility of being challenged on our provision, we request that ALL VISITORS to our site continue to:
Only attend for pre-booked sessions.
Use sanitiser on entry and exit.
Follow the one way system.
Maintain social distancing.
Remain absent in accordance with government guidelines if you have symptoms, or have had contact with someone with symptoms of COVID-19, until the required isolation period has passed.
If you have any questions or concerns, we welcome you to contact us directly.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support and co-operation.